How to Sort unique Contacts?

I have a list of 35k contacts, I need to sort unique after unique

I demonstrated in this example how I want to sort contacts:


I tried by removing duplicates then to copy unique and to go back to compare with original file, but that process takes time and it’s not easy.


On cell B2, type this array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter):


and copy it to the rest of the column. This will create a list with no duplicates on column B. To simplify, name this array list. Then, use this formula on column C:


This creates the list with only the values that appear 2 times or more.
Copy this formula to other columns and change the 2 to 3, 4 etc to create a list with the values that appear only 3, 4 etc or more times.

The final result should look like this:

enter image description here

Source : Link , Question Author : Edin Neziri , Answer Author : Thales

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