How to set my Bamboo Fun to work only on ONE of my dual screens?

I need dual screen for my web developer job but when I do illustrations I prefer to work on a single screen to avoid the stretching of the workspace which affects tablet’s precision.

Is there a way to make my tablet work only on my primary screen and, at the same time, use mouse for both screens? I’ve looked into my tablet’s preferences and haven’t found it.

I use Windows XP, Bamboo Fun A5, ATI Radeon X 1050.

Thanks in advance.


What worked for me: I have a laptop, and often plug into my desktop monitor. I use the bamboo to take notes while watching lectures.

  1. Open bamboo preferences
  2. Select “Pen” tab
  3. While in “Pen Mode” select the “Mapping” button
  4. Pen Mode Details comes up. Select “Monitor” bullet. On the counter to the right, select which monitor you would like bamboo to use. Most of the time your default monitor is 1.
  5. Click Ok and you should be all set.

Using Windows Journal the eraser tool (but not the pen) acts as if it is still going between two screens, therefore you can only erase half of the page (the graphics are also not lined up with the operations). I am not sure if this applies to any other programs, but it is a likely a glitch in the drivers.

Source : Link , Question Author : Marian Małolepszy , Answer Author : slhck

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