How to separate unique values into sheets?

I have an excel file with around 10.000 leads, categorized with Name, Email, Company name, Position, City, CheckedEmailAddress, Mail server Country Code,
last one Mail server Country Code, there are 11 different Mail server Country Code, I need to take all 11 by 11 leads from all of them, that means 1 sheet 11 leads from 11 different mail servers, so, all sheets 11 leads from different Mail servers country code

Hope you understand me! Every sheet should have unique values from mail server category.

I started by removing duplicates and again and again but this process takes like forever.

Thank you


H1:  Count of MSCC
H2:  =COUNTIF($G$2:G2,G2)

Select H2 and fill down to the bottom. This will result in appropriate numbering for filtering.

Then Filter on each value and copy (visible cells) / Paste (do NOT cut or delete, or the numbering will change) to the new worksheet.

Or you can use the Advanced Filter selecting the option to paste results to a different location.

Or you could record a macro while doing the above, and then edit the macro to change the selection and destination criteria.

Source : Link , Question Author : Edin Neziri , Answer Author : Ron Rosenfeld

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