How to run chkdsk if I can’t boot to Windows

I have a NTFS partition with Windows XP but it has bad sectors and it can’t boot.

It’s a SATA drive and the Windows CD can’t access it because it’s missing it’s drivers, I don’t have a floppy drive so I can’t load drivers through there.

I’ve tried ntfsfix from Linux but it refuses to do anything. Also tried nftsclone with the –rescue option to at least back up the data but it doesn’t work either.

How can I run chkdsk in this case?


If you have access to another computer and a CD burner, you can download (legally) a Vista or Windows 7 recovery disk and use this to run CHKDSK. Hopefully Vista or Win 7 would have drivers for your ESATA disk.

Source : Link , Question Author : solarc , Answer Author : Larry C

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