How to reset/delete my glassfish password?

I’m trying to install GlassFish v2 on my Macintosh. The installation instructions say that it should prompt for an admin password, but it doesn’t, and now I can’t log into the admin console on localhost:4848. And I can’t change it with asadmin change-admin-password because it needs the old one. I think I installed GlassFish with NetBeans a few months ago and might have started it up once or twice, but I don’t remember what password I used back then. Is there a command I can give or a file I can delete to make it forget that old password and prompt me for a new one?


The default password is built into the app, and at the risk of making unsecure apps even more unsecure. Default password is “adminadmin”.

Source : Link , Question Author : Paul Tomblin , Answer Author : slhck

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