How to replace Adobe Air notifications icons

I have been using various tool that depend on the adobe air platform on ubuntu, like tweetdeck and grooveshark.

I have always hated, how the notification icons look, but I need them there for ease of use. Has anyone managed to change how the icons bleed into the taskbar, or even tell me where I could replace the notification icons with ones that look better. As you can see below the notication icons for skype and xchat look fine.

Please and thank you!

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There are two different ways to fix this problem:

  1. Change the program icons:

    TweetDeck uses the icon /opt/TweetDeck/share/icons/TweetDeck_128.png for the notification area, even though there are smaller TweetDeck icons in /opt/TweetDeck/share/icons/.

    So as In Protest says, just change the background of the
    icon (/opt/TweetDeck/share/icons/TweetDeck_128.png) so it matches your panel background.

    I made a TweetDeck icon for the Ambiance theme:

    To use it, run the following commands in a terminal (assuming you downloaded it to your Desktop):

    • Back up the existing icon:

      sudo cp /opt/TweetDeck/share/icons/TweetDeck_128.png /opt/TweetDeck/share/icons/TweetDeck_128.png.bak 
    • Now replace it with the new icon:

      sudo cp ~/Desktop/TweetDeck_128.png /opt/TweetDeck/share/icons/


    • alt text
  2. Use alternate version of gnome-panel:

    The reason the background of the icons are not transparent is because of bug #403135 alt text.

    Konstantinos Natsakis alt text has provided this solution alt text :

    I believe this bug is somehow related to a change in gnome-panel_1: when the building of applets as shared libraries was deactivated (they are now build as standalone executables)


    • debian/rules:
    • don’t build in process applets during the unstable cycle so crash issues
      should be easier to debug and reported on the corresponding binary

    It seems to me that due to this change, the notification area icons get the background of the program’s main window instead of the panel’s background.

    Compiling gnome-panel with ‘–with-in-process-applets=notification-area’ in debian/rules (and no other changes), fixes this bug for me.

    I have uploaded modified gnome-panel packages to my PPA: in case others want to try this (you need gnome-panel and gnome-panel-data; killall bonobo-activation-server and gnome-panel after installation)

Source : Link , Question Author : myusuf3 , Answer Author : Community

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