How to Prevent Spotlight from Indexing Non-Apps in /Applications Directory?

The only thing I need indexed in the /Applications folder are the .app files.

Is there any way to setup a filter to have mds or Spotlight ignore everything in /Applications except .apps?

Otherwise, would it be possible to setup a rule for Alfred to omit any records from /Applications? I still want documents indexed and returned, just not from that specific directory.

OS X 10.6.8 if you’re wondering.


From the Applications features:

Spotlight Comments can also be used to ignore apps: Add “alfred:ignore” to the Spotlight Comment and Alfred will ignore the application or file.

enter image description here

So, you could at least tell it to ignore a set of documents you know before. However, I don’t think going the other way round is possible at the moment (i.e. setting up a rule like “Don’t index files”).

Source : Link , Question Author : Igorio , Answer Author : slhck

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