How to keep Ubuntu systemctl process alive after disconnecting from shell?

I’m new to Ubuntu, and I want to run a (java maven) command which starts a web server embedded with my web application, on a remote Ubuntu server.

I can run it with following bash command (typed directly to remote console):

cd /path/to/mywebapp-dir
mvn exec:java >> /opt/mywebapp.log

My web application keeps alive UNTIL I enter some key OR log out from console.

I want to keep it alive after I log out,
so I made a following systemctl service:

Description = mywebapp daemon

ExecStart = /opt/ # bash from above
Restart = no
Type = simple # also tried "forking", but couldn't get rid of PID file error.

WantedBy =

But when I start the service, it seems to be shutting down right after the maven command has been successfully completed, and won’t keep the web application (which I assume to be a child process) alive.

How can I make it happen?


Source : Link , Question Author : Hirofumi Okino , Answer Author : Community

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