how to install healthcheck module in nginx

I have installed nginx 1.10.0 in ubuntu and setup Load balance concept. Now, setup 2 server I need to add Health check module to chenck health status of our server.

  root@server:/usr/sbin# nginx -v
  nginx version: nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu)

I read about this documents

this docmetn say:

    # Similar to the upstream_hash module

    cd nginx-0.7.62 # or whatever
    patch -p1 < /path/to/this/directory/nginx.patch
    ./configure --add-module=/path/to/this/directory
    make install

I Instlled Nginx using cmd not a manually installed

cmd : apt-get install nginx

I dont know where nginx instlled , by default /usr/local/nginx. but no directory is there.Reference

Suggest me How to install and setup health check plugin in nginx


It looks like the nginx module ngx_http_upstream_module will do what you want. It has health checks for the backends too. You will probably find that your Distro supplied nginx has all of this available.

Source : Link , Question Author : Rajkumar .E , Answer Author : user9517

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