How to encrypt boot partition in CentOS 7 kickstart?

I have a kickstart file for CentOS 7 Minimal. I would like to add encryption only to my /boot partition. but when I added the following line in the kickstart file, the complete installation fails. The kickstart encrypt line is

part /boot --encrypted --passphrase=pass1 --fstype="ext4" --size=500

without the --encrypted --passphrase=pass1 option, kickstart run the installation properly.

when I tried installing graphically, I saw the following message when I choose encrypt option for boot partition,

enter image description here

Please suggest, how can I add encryption only for my boot partition.


You don’t encrypt the /boot partition. This partition is what boots and decrypts the rest of the system.

Source : Link , Question Author : Vishnu , Answer Author : Michael Hampton

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