How to do Maven install or deploy only, without re-package/re-test?

Sometimes I wanted to deploy, but I typed mvn package.

Sometimes I want to deploy to another alternative repository (using mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=...), immediately after the default deploy.

So I really don’t want to package and test them again, because they are just succeeded. The result jars are just there, in the target/ directory. I hope I can deploy them.

I know there is deploy:deploy-file, but that’s inconvenient to use, I don’t want to specify groupId, artifactId again on the command line. It doesn’t work for large project which contains a lot of jars to deploy, too.


Use the maven.test.skip command line flag to skips tests:

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install

Use the maven.repo.list command line flag to add another repository:

mvn -Dmaven.repo.list=

Source : Link , Question Author : Xiè Jìléi , Answer Author : Paul Sweatte

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