How to diagnose networking lags using Windows on colocation?

I have W2008 R2 server on colocation. I am getting weird cyclical lags – several times a minute latency jumps and then gradually drops back.

I can tell becuase the service I consume sends me local timestamps. The remote server synced with Stratum 1 with atomic clock and very precise.

I synced with local Stratum 2 and normally bias between my local time and the remote server is +-2ms. And it was for 2 months.

Now I am getting those cyclical latency jumps.

I told that to the colo support and they said they see nothing. They told me to use WinMTR and send them stats.

I pinged the IP address which is immediate hop to my box and it shows jumps in ping times. I.e. up to 450 ms.

The colo support said something that ICMP traffic is deprioritised on their routers and that is expected…

I cant believe this.

Surely many of you were in the situation like this. I just have no experience and I am not system admin anyway.

What would you guys do to make the colo admins to do something about it? What should I ask or what can I do on my side to prove the point?

P.S. the remote server is firewalled and I cant ping it to provide MTR to the end-point.


“The colo support said something that ICMP traffic is deprioritised on their routers and that is expected…

I cant believe this. “

I used to tell people posting here that pinging across the internet was not reliable because ICMP was low priority. After getting down-voted a couple of times I stopped. It is commonplace for ICMP traffic to have low priority.

It is not at all clear to me what the configuration is that you are having difficulty with.

My guess is that it starts off something like this:

W2008_R2_server —— Switch —— Router —— ??? —— end_user

Source : Link , Question Author : Boppity Bop , Answer Author : dbasnett

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