How to detect a memory leak?

I seem to have a larger memory leak on my current ubuntu System

After reporting strange Eclipse memory errors ( ) I started to get ‘Not enough Memory’ error messages in my console today – while doing simple tasks like typing in sudo -s – or even – free -m

Typing in ‘free -m’ repeadetly showed me how my RAM quickly goes up from 700M to 900M, growing up to the size of 2000M in a few seconds (after freeing up memory with echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches )

Eclipse isnt the cause, I completly killed the process and the ram still was going up. Is there any way to detect where the leak is coming from? I cant even update my system anymore, since apt-get update fails (probably because it’s out of memory)

Using Ubuntu 11.10


First, make sure to have a temp folder available which has enough free space. The following commands create dumps which can be several GBs in size.

You can create a new tmp folder using the following command. You may want to change /tmp to a different filesystem with enough space

TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d -t -p /tmp)

Steps to find Memory Leak

  1. Find out the PID of the process which causing memory leak (you can also use e.g. htop if available) and store it in a variable called pid

    ps -aux
  2. Given that the PID is available in the variable pid, you can capture the memory consumption using /proc/$pid/smaps and save into some file like beforeMemInc.txt.

    cat /proc/$pid/smaps > $TMPDIR/beforeMemInc.txt
  3. Wait some time for memory consumption to increase.
  4. Capture /proc/$pid/smaps again and save it as afterMemInc.txt

    cat /proc/$pid/smaps > $TMPDIR/afterMemInc.txt
  5. Find the difference between first smaps and 2nd smaps, e. g. with

    diff -u $TMPDIR/beforeMemInc.txt $TMPDIR/afterMemInc.txt
  6. Note down the address range where memory got increased, for example:

       beforeMemInc.txt            afterMemInc.txt
    2b3289290000-2b3289343000   2b3289290000-2b3289343000  #ADDRESS
    Shared_Clean:    0 kB       Shared_Clean:    0 kB          
    Shared_Dirty:    0 kB       Shared_Dirty:    0 kB
    Private_Clean:   0 kB       Private_Clean:   0 kB
    Private_Dirty:  28 kB       Private_Dirty:  36 kB  
    Referenced:     28 kB       Referenced:     36 kB
    Anonymous:      28 kB       Anonymous:      36 kB  #INCREASE MEM
    AnonHugePages:   0 kB       AnonHugePages:   0 kB
    Swap:            0 kB       Swap:            0 kB
    KernelPageSize:  4 kB       KernelPageSize:  4 kB
    MMUPageSize:     4 kB       MMUPageSize:     4 kB
    Locked:          0 kB       Locked:          0 kB
    VmFlags: rd wr mr mw me ac  VmFlags: rd wr mr mw me ac
  7. Use GDB to dump memory on running process or get the coredump using

    gcore -o $TMPDIR/process $PID
  8. I used gdb on the running process to dump the memory to some file.

    cd $TMPDIR
    gdb -p $pid
    dump memory memory.dump 0x2b3289290000 0x2b3289343000
  9. Now, use strings command or hexdump -C to print the memory.dump

    strings memory.dump

    From this you get readable information which helps you locate those strings in your source code.

  10. Analyse your source to find the leak.

Source : Link , Question Author : Katai , Answer Author : Zanna

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