How to delete a file in a LUN that gives an error?

I have a 1.5GB LUN, on a QNAP NAS.

The LUN is attached to a W2K3, and has some folders shared on it.

On one sub-folder there is a specific file, that is corrupted. I need to delete it, but I can’t even access it.
The file is
enter image description here

The error I get when trying to delete is (current user is the Domain Administrator)
enter image description here

When I want to schedule a CHKDSK, it says it can’t, as it needs to be done in reboot. but in Reboot, the LUNS are not yet attached.
enter image description here

  • What else can I try please?

UPDATE: Issue solved.
I ran CHKDSK from the command line (actually forgot it even exists). It done massive deletes and updated security ID’s on 100k’s of file.
The trouble file has been deleted, and I assume ton’s of others as well.



I ran CHKDSK from the command line: CHKDSK /F

*using windows to much, makes you forget command line functions.

Source : Link , Question Author : Saariko , Answer Author : Saariko

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