How to define a shortcut key to grab part of the screen?

I’ve been trying to create a short-cut key for grabbing part of the screen.

If I run the command /usr/bin/gnome-screenshot --area the program I want runs and does what I want. When I createa a custom action in the keyboard shortcuts menu, and I activate the command (using ctrl-prnscr) the command fires up but behaves as though the --area option isn’t there (it grabs the whole screen instead of giving me a cursor to choose with). If I run ps -eaf |grep screen I get:

$ ps -eaf |grep screen
yfarjoun  2082     1  0 Oct29 ?        00:00:21 gnome-screensaver
yfarjoun 17730     1  0 17:34 ?        00:00:00 gnome-screenshot --area
yfarjoun 17735 17730  1 17:34 ?        00:00:00 gnome-screenshot --area
yfarjoun 17741  2599  0 17:34 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto screen

So the option is definitely transfered to the command….

Why is it not honoring the option? How can I fix this?


It works for me when pressing the shortcut twice (fast).

This seems to have worked at some point but doesn’t anymore (see this thread at – it doesn’t work for me, with or without the ‘-i’ switch).

There’s already a bug report opened:

Source : Link , Question Author : Yossi Farjoun , Answer Author : htorque

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