How to convert h.264 (MP4) to Theora (FFmpeg)

How to convert h.264 to Theora using FFmpeg.
I generally use all the -qscale commands etc, but the quality is hopeless anyway. The point is that the movie freezes after a few seconds and only keyframes are shown.
I know there is another converter but I need a solution in FFmpeg.


I am closing thread because I tried a newer version of ffmpeg on linux.
For people who will have a similar problem:

Try converting on linux

Choose the distributions for you.

If you are a beginner, read about Ubuntu or Linux Mint as they are very popular and easy to use for beginners.

When you know more, you have already chosen yours.

Install the latest version of FFmpeg with libraries.

You will probably need to compile FFmpeg, all useful links are on their site.

In case you can’t do it, I recommend opening a thread on the forum.
Use this command:

ffmpeg -i imput.mp4 -c: v libtheora -q: v 10 -c: a libvorbis -q: a 10 output.ogv

Match the values of -q: v and -q: a. these are quality values

Source : Link , Question Author : Eqsz , Answer Author : Eqsz

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