How to convert a really big HTML file to PDF in Windows [closed]

We have a few really large HTML files (60-100 MB) that we cannot convert to PDF with any reliability.

Adobe Acrobat 9 crashes – hits the 2GB limit for applications.

Open Office converts, but removes some of the anchors ().

ActivePDF webgrabber crashes.

Is using a 64 bit situation an option for this type of thing?

I see a bunch of options out there, but can they do better than Adobe Acrobat 9 itself?


Have you tried wkhtmltopdf? Its a command line utility that is super easy to use wkhtmltopdf:

Install wkhtmltopdf
Go to Start -> Run -> cmd

cd %Program Files%\wkhtmltopdf                     [press enter]
wkhtmltopdf.exe google.pdf   [press enter]

viola. saved to google.pdf.

If I remember correctly it does fairly well with its PDF compression

Source : Link , Question Author : PeterStrange , Answer Author : David Murdoch

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