How to configure Windows to execute only .exe with certificate signing?

I want to run (on a certain computer with Windows 10) only those exe. files, who signed by certificates, which installed on the computer (it can be certificates from CA or my own test certificate).

I already tried this solution (and many others):
How does one configure Windows not to execute tampered binaries?

but none of them solved my problem.

I wrote two “HelloWorld” apps (with certificate signing and without certificate signing). But all solutions, which I tried, allow to run both apps.

How to configure Windows10 to execute only .exe with certificate signing?

There is AppLocker configuration:

<AppLockerPolicy Version="1">
  <RuleCollection Type="Appx" EnforcementMode="NotConfigured" />
  <RuleCollection Type="Dll" EnforcementMode="NotConfigured" />
  <RuleCollection Type="Exe" EnforcementMode="Enabled">
    <FilePathRule Id="921cc481-6e17-4653-8f75-050b80acca20" Name="(Default Rule) All files located in the Program Files folder" Description="Allows members of the Everyone group to run applications that are located in the Program Files folder." UserOrGroupSid="S-1-1-0" Action="Allow">
        <FilePathCondition Path="%PROGRAMFILES%\*" />
    <FilePathRule Id="a61c8b2c-a319-4cd0-9690-d2177cad7b51" Name="(Default Rule) All files located in the Windows folder" Description="Allows members of the Everyone group to run applications that are located in the Windows folder." UserOrGroupSid="S-1-1-0" Action="Allow">
        <FilePathCondition Path="%WINDIR%\*" />
    <FilePublisherRule Id="d5c14ef6-5a5e-4863-aa49-a9ebbcab1afc" Name="Only run executables that are signed" Description="" UserOrGroupSid="S-1-1-0" Action="Allow">
        <FilePublisherCondition PublisherName="*" ProductName="*" BinaryName="*">
          <BinaryVersionRange LowSection="*" HighSection="*" />
  <RuleCollection Type="Msi" EnforcementMode="NotConfigured" />
  <RuleCollection Type="Script" EnforcementMode="NotConfigured" />


Source : Link , Question Author : Eugene Afanasovich , Answer Author : Community

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