How quickly do NVRAM-N DIMM’s restore their information?

New servers have NVRAM-N DIMM’s which allow for their information to be saved to flash when the system loses power. I’ve read that it takes about a minute to save the information and the built in battery lasts only seconds more than the time required to save the RAM into it’s Flash.

However I’ve read nothing about how long it takes to restore the information from flash…
So for DDR4 NVRAM-N DIMM’s what’s the maximum amount of time it takes to restore the memory and resume the server again?


This is entirely down to whatever code pulls the data off the NVDIMM, they may choose never to do so, it’s entirely implementation-specific, there’s no on-size-fits-all answer I’m afraid.

Source : Link , Question Author : Tmanok , Answer Author : Chopper3

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