How many CD only drives are still around? [closed]

I want to get a pocket CD to keep in my wallet with a live OS so I can get “my own personal computer” on any pc I use, and I just wanted to know if I would be able to go with pocket DVDs or pocket CDs. I want it to be able to be as compatible as possible, so I just wanted to know how many computers are still out there that have cd drive that cannot read dvds?


You would not be able to maintain files between OS sessions if you run from a CD. You should look at putting an OS on a USB flash drive since USB is pretty universal. Heck, USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. And further in line with your question, no one can really answer that for you. I would think that in places that use really old computers, you would be out of luck in using a CD. For example, maybe libraries or schools or some charities. But then again, the cost of maintaining and trying to get old equipment far outweighs the cost of buying new equipment (doesn’t have to be high-end). Hence, I would think you’d be hard pressed to find a computer out there that does have the ability to read DVD’s.

Source : Link , Question Author : Sean , Answer Author : Metril

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