How do I upgrade a server image inside EC2?

I setup an instance of Ubuntu on Amazon EC2 using an AMI that I had found. When I login to the server through SSH it says

A newer build of the Ubuntu lucid server image is available.
It is names 'release' and has a build serial '20110201.1'.

What I found online was that I should run do-release-upgrade -d to upgrade the distribution. When I ran it though it seems to try to upgrade to Maverick Meerkat. I want to upgrade to the LTS release.

Is there a way that I can upgrade my server without rebuilding it?


Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is currently the most recent LTS. Based on the message you’ve given above, it seems that you’re already running 10.04, and thus, there is no newer LTS.

Now, some other points:

  1. I’ve written documentation on how to upgrade kernels in 10.04 in a blog post.
  2. If you are able to upgrade your instance’s kernel (as described above), then the message is a bug, and it can be ignored (bug 653220)

The fact that “Ubuntu on EC2” is different than “Plain Ubuntu Server” is mostly historic at this point. If you launch new instances based on the most recent Ubuntu images for any currently supported release other than 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron), then you can simply sudo do-release-upgrade or “dist-upgrade” and ignore that message.

Source : Link , Question Author : Dave Long , Answer Author : Jorge Castro

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