How do I stop a telnet session from timing out?

I connect to a Cisco router using telnet.

The connection times out every 3 minutes.

How do stop my telnet session from getting disconnected from the router due to a timeout.

I understand that putty and SecureCRT can send a null or escape character periodically to stop the session (telnet or SSH) from timing out.

How do I do this on Linux without a 3rd party program ? I use the following script as a startup script when starting my terminal:

#!/usr/bin/expect -f

spawn telnet <Router IP Address>
expect -re "ogin: "
send "*******\n"
expect -re "assword:"
send "***********\n"
sleep 2
expect "Router>"


The interact statement of expect can take pairs of patterns and actions somewhat like the expect statement. In particular, you can add a timeout pattern and an action of sending. For example,

interact timeout 10 { send "date\r" }

would send what you type as usual, but if you do not type for 10 seconds, it will then send the string date and carriage-return. If you are using telnet, in char mode, you might be able to keep the connection alive by simply sending a space followed by a backspace, which would not disrupt any partial line you had already typed:

interact timeout 150 { send " \b" }

Source : Link , Question Author : Khaled Abuelenain , Answer Author : meuh

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