How do I remove a site from IIS7 using JavaScript?

I’ve been searching the Internet for a way to remove a site from IIS7 using JavaScript. I’ve found, and used, a lot of examples on how to create a site and applications using JavaScript but not a single example on how to delete a site!

For example, I’ve figured out how to create a site using the examples found at

Does anyone know how to remove a site from IIS7 using JavaScript?

Please help!



JavaScript is not meant to perform server side infrastructure operations – but if you insist on doing it you should wrap your operation (deleting the site using C#) in a web service exposed to JavaScript via static Page methods (assuming you are using and throw in a ScriptManager to access your web service. That way you can access the functionality to remove the site via JavaScript.

Source : Link , Question Author : Community , Answer Author : Community

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