How do I query the contents of an error message in the Windows event log?

So I’ve got an application event log…let’s call it “CustomApplicationLog”

I’ve also got an awesome application…let’s call it “MyAwesomeApplication”

Assuming this application were to ever throw an error…how can I use the XML query editor to search for an arbitrary string insite the event log message?

Below is the query generated for me after picking most of the things I wanted. I can’t find any documentation on parsing this out myself though.

  <Query Id="0" Path="CustomApplicationLog">
    <Select Path="CustomApplicationLog">*[System[Provider[@Name='MyAwesomeApplication'] and (Level=2)]]</Select>


  <Query Id="0" Path="CustomApplicationLog">
   <Select Path="CustomApplicationLog">*[System[Provider[@Name='MyAwesomeApplication'] and (Level=2)]] and *[EventData[Data and (Data='string i'm looking for')]]</Select>

This is assuming your custom application spits out the sting in the EventData section. It searches the entire Event Data section of the log for that string. To get a better idea, find the log you’re looking for and check out the XML View.

Source : Link , Question Author : Brandon Linton , Answer Author : Evan

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