How do I provide read-only permission for a user on a Windows File Share?

I am trying to provide read-only permission to folder/sub-folders for particular users in windows NAS server with following scenarios:

  • if user already has some permission remove all of that.

  • provide read permission for both enable/disable inheritance.

I tried below:

rem it's happing only for disable inheritance, how to do it for enable inheritance.
rem Remove access:
icacls NAS-path /remove:g  UserNmae:(OI)(CI) /T
rem Provide read acces:
rem icacls NAS-path /grant UserNmae:(OI)(CI)R /T

How I will get the userName(who is accessing that path) so i can apply for that user ?


* Method responsible to get the permissions from provider folder
* @param path
* @return List of users
public Map<String,String> getPermissionsFromProviderFolder(String path){

 try {
  Path files = Paths.get(path);
  AclFileAttributeView aclFileAttributes = Files.getFileAttributeView(
      files, AclFileAttributeView.class);

    for (AclEntry aclEntry : aclFileAttributes.getAcl()) {
        String user = aclEntry.principal().toString();
          users.put(user,path); // users is a map defined
    logger.logLoadOperation("folder security users list for :" + path, Level.INFO, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
 return users;

* Method responsible to set the permissions to result log folder
* @param path
* @param permission
public void resetPermissionsToResultLogs(String resultLogFolder, String permission, Map<String,String> users) {

String command=null;

for (Map.Entry<String, String> userlist : users.entrySet()) {
    String[] provider = userlist.getKey().split("\\(");
    String user = provider[0].trim();
    System.out.print("------location:-" + resultLogFolder);
    System.out.print("------user:-----" + user);
        command = ICACLS +" "+ '"'+resultLogFolder+'"' +" /remove:g " + '"'+user+'"'+ ":(OI)(CI) /T";
        System.out.println("remve= "+command);
        command = ICACLS +" "+ '"'+resultLogFolder+'"' +" /grant " +'"'+user+'"'+ ":(OI)(CI)(R) /T";
        System.out.println("grant read ="+command);

**I am not able to remove all the permissions other then this every thing is working fine. thank you

Source : Link , Question Author : Hitesh Kumar , Answer Author : Hitesh Kumar

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