how do I kill the windows file protection /SFC window?

I started up SFC, with SFC /scannow, and it wants a cd. I don’t have one on me right now. I just want to kill the window.

I may run SFC later. But how do I get rid of it? whether I click retry or cancel it doesn’t go.


I was able to hit “Cancel” to the lower box in the first screenshot, and then “Cancel” in the upper one, but I can see that if it pulled up another file instantly, you might not be able to do that.

enter image description here

I then went to Task Manager, right-clicked and clicked “Go To Process”, and that brought me to the “winlogon.exe” process, which you CANNOT kill.

enter image description here

So I logged out thinking that would kill it, but then I logged back in (No Fast User Switching), and it STILL was there.

So on one try, I think I may have what you want: In the past, I have always hit “Cancel” as in the one asking for the CD first, but this time, I hit Cancel for the Main one, and it ended it, leaving the CD one sitting on the screen, and then I canceled that one too. Give that a try.

Source : Link , Question Author : barlop , Answer Author : KCotreau

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