How do I install Adobe Air using “Ubuntu Software Centre”

I tried:

  1. Launching Ubuntu Software Centre
  2. I typed in “air” and found “adobe air”
  3. It says “available from the ‘maverick-partner’ source. and has a button “use this source”
  4. I clicked “use this source”, I saw a “in progress (1)” icon come up in the side bar, and disappear, but nothing happened/changed.

I’m stuck.

I have actually already added the maverick-partner source to apt so I could install sun-java6-jdk.


How to install Adobe AIR on Ubuntu 13.10

Instructions for Ubuntu 13.10

How to install Adobe AIR on Ubuntu 10.10

I have looked into this and on the official Adobe Air 2 page for Linux, 64-bit binaries are not available, although 32-bit should work fine.

Try going through the steps on this page here:

Although they are intended for 9.04, I can’t see why this wouldn’t work on 10.10.

If following those steps don’t work, try this article on OMG!Ubuntu!:

Source : Link , Question Author : Alex Black , Answer Author : Community

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