How Do I Build My Own WebServer? [closed]

I’m looking to move my current websites from my host to my own webserver. I currently have 92 websites and I run a lot of cron jobs, which my host constantly complains about. We only get to use 60MB of memory, and I apparently exceed that far too often.

So… in building a webserver just for my own needs, I want to buy for the ability to own 1000 websites someday far in the future. I’m looking for where to start?

Should I just get a standards workstation.. since it will just be a webserver for me and not for a business? Should I install Linux, since most webservers seem to run this? What version of Linux? I have WAMP installed on my local computer right now, but I have a feeling I’ll need a little more?

Any other helpful tips.. or a great book that someone has experience with, would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!


If you want to go with something mainstream with good support, have multiple domains for your sites, only one routable IP address and the ability to expand upon it yourself, I would go with either your RHEL (Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora – whatever you like) solution with apache or Microsoft Windows with IIS. This way you have plenty of support if you have any problems as well. Resources shouldn’t be a big deal – just have a couple gigs of memory in the system and you will be better than great.

To be honest (and this is an opinion) when I have a site to host I go with Apache and plug all my domains in with the VirtualHost line in the httpd.conf and have their directories all setup and organized. It will be the simpler, cheaper, more secure (if you know what you configure) way to go.

Source : Link , Question Author : Community , Answer Author : Jason B Shrout

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