How can I remove the Unity Launcher?

Unfortunately, the Unity Launcher on the left hand side of the screen takes more valuable space away than the new menu bar gives.

Is there any way to get rid of the Launcher?

Alternatives I would be satisfied with include:

  • Not having the Launcher at all
  • Having the Launcher hide automatically
  • Having applications open on top of the Launcher (not next to it)

(edit:) Note that I am specifically looking for a way to keep the global menubar, while getting rid of the Launcher.


12.04 and later

From the Gear, choose System Settings

enter image description here

Double click the Appearance icon

enter image description here

Click the behaviour tab and then toggle the autohide option…

enter image description here

You can re-reveal the menu by pushing onto the left-hand side of the window or the top corner depending upon which option is shown as per the picture.

enter image description here

Source : Link , Question Author : Magnus Hoff , Answer Author : Community

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