How can I pin Eclipse Luna to the Windows-7 taskbar?

I used to be able to pin Eclipse to my taskbar by adding these lines to the eclipse.ini file:

C:/Program Files/Java/[my java version]/bin

But it doesn’t seem to work with the new Eclipse Luna release. Now, without those lines, I can’t pin the application and, with them, the context menu doesn’t even show up when I right-click the icon on the taskbar.

Is there any way to fix this?


I have used the -vm setting in eclipse.ini in past versions, but it did not solve the issue here. Pinning to the Task Bar directly seemed to leave me with a duplicate icon once Luna finished initializing. FWIW, I seem to have hacked into a correction. First I right-clicked eclipse.exe and Pinned to the Start Menu. Then after starting Luna from Start, I right-clicked the icon which appeared on the Task Bar, and Pinnned to the TaskBar. Then I unpinned from the Start Menu (since I prefer direct access to the icon rather than Start > Eclipse). And once done, Luna now starts from the Task Bar and the icon is updated, but not duplicated, when fully loaded.

Source : Link , Question Author : Martin Larente , Answer Author : JayBofMA

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