How can I fill in a PDF (not a PDF form) such that each character is in a box

There’s quite a few solutions for typing on PDFs (such as listed in the answers to PDF – What software to fill-out/fill-in a PDF form?), but I have a parallel question which I’ve wondered about off-and-on for a couple of years now.

Is there a way to fill up PDF forms which use boxes such that each character is in a box. Most of these are scanned or re-created versions of old printed-out forms (e.g. all the banks in my country have these), and it’s currently way more work to use some software to type one character, press spacebar a few times to move the cursor to the next box, and repeat than just to print the thing out, fill it up by hand, and take a picture or scan it.

Here’s some bad ASCII art (hand-made) showing what I mean.

|                                   _  _  _  _           |
|  Please fill in your birth year: | || || || |          |
|                                   -  -  -  -           |

Very laborious using a typical PDF app to type over it, you’d need to align every character. Surely this isn’t a niche area, and there’s a software method to automatically fill in each box?


Source : Link , Question Author : Ng Oon-Ee , Answer Author : Community

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