How can I execute command on startup (rc.local alternative) on Ubuntu 16.10

I am setting up quota on my Linode server running Ubuntu 16.10, and I get the following error

Cannot stat() mounted device /dev/root: No such file or directory

So to fix this, I reached this thread for the fix which is done by adding

ln -s /dev/xvda /dev/root
/etc/init.d/quota restart

to the /etc/rc.local. But Ubuntu 16.10 doesn’t uses rc.local anymore instead uses systemd. What is the alternative for rc.local, How can I run the above commands on startup?

Also I enabled the service using systemctl enable rc-local.service but it didn’t work for me. Any lead would be appreciated.



I think you should not create a new service as suggested in the link by George.
The rc-local.service already exists in systemd and the service file suggests that the rc.local, if it exists and is executable, gets pulled automatically into
So no need to recreate or force something that is just done in another way by the systemd-rc-local-generator.

One solution

A quick solution (I don’t know if that’s the canonical way):

In a terminal do:

printf '%s\n' '#!/bin/bash' 'exit 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/rc.local
sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local
sudo reboot

After that the rc.local will be called upon system startup. Insert what you like.


If you do in a terminal:

sudo systemctl edit --full rc-local

You can see that the head comment contains lines such as:

# This unit gets pulled automatically into by
# systemd-rc-local-generator if /etc/rc.local is executable.

This indicates, that in this system, if there is a file called /etc/rc.local which is executable, then it will be pulled into automatically. So you just create the according file (sudo touch...) and make it executable (sudo chmod +x ...).

Source : Link , Question Author : Saurabh Sharma , Answer Author : Jan

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