How can I edit files without them being extracted?

Currently, I have some files in a .rar file that is password protected. If I open a Notepad file to make some changes, this file will get extracted first, to the winrar Temp folder, and then I can save the file, after making some changes. My problem is, that if I’m accessing this file in my job, for example, and I really do not want someone to see the contents of my files, then what can I do? How can I edit my files without them being extracted to the temp folder? I would like my files to always remain encapsulated within the encryption software and never be extracted to any folder…


At minimum, the file will end up decrypted in memory (and not “within the software”).

I assume your issue is having the decrypted file on disk. You may consider decrypting to an encrypted drive/folder (for example, OneDrive has a “Person Vault” that encrypts the data at rest.)

On a Windows Machine you could consider using a USB drive with BitLocker enabled.

Honestly, if you’re only doing minimum edits you could consider just keeping the data on your phone. There are some decent app-based editors.

Source : Link , Question Author : fabiolinhares , Answer Author : Robert Paulsen

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