How can I check if I’m using the AMDGPU-PRO driver?

I’ve installed the amdgpu-pro-libgl drivers from AUR, hoping it would fix an issue.

Pikaur didn’t seem to trigger any kind of recompilation, or DKMS or mkinitcpio, but from what I understand, the package includes some kernel components.. How can I check that AMDGPU-PRO drivers are indeed running?


I do not know if it is the only way, but I do it as such: I run

glxinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor string" | cut -f2 -d":" | xargs

If it returns X.Org or AMD, then the open source driver is active. If it returns Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., then the proprietary driver is active.

See the ArchWiki for details.

Source : Link , Question Author : Codebling , Answer Author : Dave Jarvis

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