How can I autoscale my Azure Kubernetes nodepool before resources run out

I did some testing today with my autoscaling setup on Azure Kubernetes. I noticed that when an autoscale was triggered, it took a while for the next node to spin up, so the last pod had to wait a long time to be scheduled. I would like to make it so that when my server reaches a certain threshold, new nodes are added, but pods can still be scheduled on the already-running nodes. Is that possible?


To answer the question of how to trigger autoscaling such that a pod does not have to wait for a new node, this article describes an elegant strategy called “Pause Pods”:

Pod Priority and Preemption are Kubernetes features that allow you to
assign priorities to pods. In a nutshell this means that when the
cluster is low on resources it can preempt (remove) lower-priority
pods in order to make space for higher-priority pods waiting to be
scheduled. With pod priority we can run some dummy pods solely for
reserving extra space in the cluster which will be freed as soon as
“real” pods need to run. The pods used for the reservation should
ideally not be using any resources but just sit there and do nothing.
You might have heard of pause containers which are already used in
Kubernetes for a different purpose. One property of the pause
container is that it is mostly just calling the pause syscall which
means “sleep until a signal is received”.

Regular pods alongside overprovisioning pods

To sum it up, we can run
a bunch of pause pods in our cluster with the sole purpose of
reserving space to trick the cluster-autoscaler into adding extra
nodes prematurely. Since these pods have a lower priority than regular
pods they will be evicted from the cluster as soon as resources become
scarce. The pause pods will then go into pending state which in turn
triggers the cluster-autoscaler to add capacity. Overall, this is a
quite elegant way to always have a dynamic buffer in the cluster.

Source : Link , Question Author : Ben Davis , Answer Author : Ben Davis

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