How can I add a reminder which contains a specific application in Reminders on Mac?

A few days ago, I created a reminder via Siri BY TYPING on Mac.(”Reminder me: …”)

Accidentally, a Chrome browser icon appeared at the right of this reminder.
I was browsing a website on Chrome, this reminder automatically added the link of that web page in “notes”.

Whenever I click on the icon, the computer will automatically open the web page that was viewed at that time, even if the link in the notes has been deleted.

What is this feature? How can I use it again?

The icon turned to Safari on iOS Reminders app.



Add attachments to your reminders to make them more informative and useful. You can add photos, scanned documents or even web links that take you directly to a website related to the reminder.


Seems like it works for links to open browsers. Haven’t tried photos and docs yet.

Source : Link , Question Author : Zhang Wei , Answer Author : Community

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