Hosting provider recommendation for site to accomodate a php http proxy

Recently discovered my current hosting provider doesn’t allow php proxys.
Unfortunately for a site I’m building, there is no other option (Flash based web application to consume Twitter API)
Can anyone recommend an affordable hosting provider with this feature?


I personally recommend that you use a dedicated hosting platform for this type of application, which can be quite data-intensive depending on traffic. However, in the past, I have had clients who use HostGator and other budget hosts for proxy-based applications with no problems (until their data consumption skyrocketed due to traffic, in one case).

For a dedicated host, I highly recommend ThePlanet and SoftLayer. If you’re looking for something in between, a VPS can be nice. However, it does all depend on your usage and traffic.

Source : Link , Question Author : Community , Answer Author : Jason Berlinsky

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