handbreak does not extract subtitles

i have a personal DVD i am trying to backup to a medium that will not go the way of the 5″ floppy…

when i “rip” it via handbreak, i select subtitles, then i click “add all” and the subtitle does show up as 1 - English (VOBSUB) -> passtrhoug.

then i hit Start and the final m4v (i am using the default “high” profile, nothing changed besides adding all subtitles) ends up with a single subtitle track. but when i enable it and play the file on vlc, all i get for subtitles is “Chapter 1″…

nothing of the original subtitles. Playing the DVD on vlc and selecting the only subtitle channel, i do get the right text.

what do i have to do on handbreak to include the subtitle correctly?


Source : Link , Question Author : gcb , Answer Author : Community

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