H.264 not streaming over dynamic DNS [closed]

I’m trying to view a network camera remotely so I registered with a dynamic DNS service. I can access the camera fine on the DNS associated URL and stream using MPEG but when I switch to H.264, the stream fails.

What’s odd is I can stream H.264 if I use the local ip address. So the failure here is only occurring when streaming H.264 using the dynamic DNS address rather than the local ip.

I can’t imagine why this would be. Would anyone have any insight?


DNS is only responsible for resolving names to ip addresses. If you can access the camera via the name through HTTP/HTTPS and stream MPEG then it’s not a DNS issue. DNS has resolved the name. If H.264 doesn’t work then it’s likely a firewall or configuration issue.

Source : Link , Question Author : User7391 , Answer Author : joeqwerty

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