Grub to boot USB HDD

My machine is using Ubuntu 8.04 (=> legacy grub). It is backed up regularly and I would like to check I am able to restore the backup.

This backup includes everything on the system, including /boot (the only things excluded are things like /proc, /var, /dev…).

I “restored” the backup onto an external USB HDD, setup the boot flag there and I would like to boot that. Is that possible ?

I tried several variants of grub-install, changing the menu.lst, but still no luck. For one thing, the /boot/grub/ only shows the main HDD, not the USB HDD, is it ok to just add it in there? :

(hd1) /dev/sdb1

When I change the BIOS to boot from USB, it just seems to skip it.

What else do I need to do ?


Have you checked grub-install ?


that should get you sorted.

Source : Link , Question Author : Matthieu , Answer Author : J. Hardy

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