Grant user mkdir() [closed]

I have a php script where I use the function mkdir() but I get

Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied

How can I grant a user permission to this function?



Here’s the permission for the folder I’m trying to create folders in:

drwxrwxrwx  2 rayhawkpascom pasgroup 4096 Sep 28 15:07 uploads

* both user and group are recursive.

And here’s the members of pasgroup

# grep pasgroup /etc/group

* I tried www-data but

# /usr/sbin/usermod -G pasgroup www-data
usermod: user www-data does not exist

To my knowledge, I’ve done everything right, but it still doesn’t work… =\


Since you are running this under apache, the apache user (usually www-data) needs write access to the directory it is attempting to run mkdir() in. Either add www-data to the group that owns that directory or do chgrp www-data dir to change the group ownership.

Source : Link , Question Author : Steve Robbins , Answer Author : slillibri

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