Google Chrome pinned to Windows 7 taskbar not opening under pinned icon

I have both Google Chrome and Eclipse pinned to my taskbar in Windows 7 64-Bit. However, when I launch these programs, they don’t appear to open under the pinned taskbar icon

Launching a chrome window looks like this

Eclipse behaves similarly. The Eclipse launcher/workspace selector is under the pinned icon, but once the IDE opens, it moves from the pinned icon, to a new group at the end of the taskbar.

Unpinning/repinning doesn’t seem to do the trick. It’s bothersome to have taskbar space wasted on both the launcher icon, and the window button.

Anybody have an idea how to get normal behavior out of the taskbar?


The problem is that the pinned application actually starts another process (which is not pinned). This often happens with applications that spawn a 64bit version of itself after they were started.

Sometimes it helps to unpin the application you have on your task bar, right-click the new task and select “Pin this program to task bar”.

FYI: There’s a bug report for Chrome on exactly this issue. When I looked into this issue myself a couple of months ago, it seemed like it is generally an application issue (not a general Windows issue). So for every application I use that has this problem, there are usually bug reports about it (FileZilla, Eclipse, …).

Source : Link , Question Author : Chris Bye , Answer Author : Der Hochstapler

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