Getting the ramdisk id of an amazon elastic cloud storage?

I ran ec2-describe-instances, on which i got the output as

INSTANCE    i-14305121  ami-bf1d8a8f  running internshipkey   0       t1.micro    2013-05-29T06:03:25+0000    us-west-2c  aki-fc37bacc            monitoring-disabled            ebs                 paravirtual xen pqhmg1369807405200  sg-dbd193eb default false

with the ramdisk id as empty? How do I get my ramdisk id? I need it to make an AMI from an existing snapshot in s3.


Most modern, paravirtual AMIs don’t use separate ramdisk images (ARIs). The real kernel and ramdisk are loaded from the boot disk.

When you register the EBS snapshot as a new AMI, specify a paravirtual kernel (AKI), but omit the ramdisk (ARI) specification.

Source : Link , Question Author : kenzo450D , Answer Author : Eric Hammond

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