fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve UUID but gparted shows the correct UUID

I’m running CentOS6 on a PowerSpecG211 with a RAID level 1 array (2x2TB) and a couple of SSD’s

Yesterday afternoon the partition for /var ran out of space while I was doing some stuff in mysql and the whole system froze.

now when I reboot, I get a couple of

fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=....'

messages and in the repair shell although mount shows /dev/md127p3 mounted on /var and /dev/md127p5 mounted on /home, doing an ls on those directories shows nothing.

When I boot with a gparted live cd (ver. 0.11.0) I can see the partitions under /dev/mapper/isw_cbfhdhgadc_Volume03 and /dev/mapper/isw_cbfhdhgadc_Volume05, and right-clicking on them and selecting Information shows the exact same UUID’s that fsck says it can’t resolve. Also, when I open a terminal window I can successfully mount the partitions and do things with the files (for instance, I did a cp -au /vol3/backup /vol5 and then a rm -rf /vol3/backup).

I have seen other posts where people have problems with mismatched UUID’s between their /etc/fstab and the actual device, but in my case, the UUID’s match, so I’m not sure what I should do.

I would also like to point out that gparted shows both of the disks in the array as /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc with all of the same partitions, so I am (naively?) assuming this means the array is ok.


You can get more information about filesystems and partitions using commands like dumpe2fs or blkid. With tune2fs command you may change filesystems parameters. With debugfs you can modify those parameters interactively. They might help you.

Source : Link , Question Author : Jeff , Answer Author : Cristian Yebra

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