Frequent occurence of FULL GC

There is a frequent occurence of FULL GC in our system.
We are using Java application running on Tomcat server. Our application is running using internal load balancer setup.
We are seeing lot of Full GC’s in the server logs due to which the application is hung and Proxy errors are occured.

The Java parameter values we are using are:
Webapp wrapper:
Backapp wrapper:

The error found in webapp wrapper logs:
INFO | jvm 1 | 2010/11/26 09:33:19 | [PSYoungGen: 1398460K->140291K(1514624K)] 4623364K->3491394K(5009920K), 0.7285303 secs] [Times: user=1.42 sys=0.00, real=0.72 secs]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2010/11/26 09:33:19 | 68539.126: [Full GC
DEBUG | wrapperp | 2010/11/26 09:33:19 | send a packet PING : ping

Tried to change the JVM values to increase the heap size. But of no use. I suspect that there could be some other reason other than these parameters which is causing the issue.

Can anyone please help me on this?


Add this parameter in your

Restart your servers. This will avoid any explicit GCs that may be called by the application and allow the JVM to decide internally and trigger the Full GC where it is really needed.

Source : Link , Question Author : Viji , Answer Author : user3691514

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