FreeBSD jail with ezjail fails to log in with non root users

I just installed a fresh new FreeBSD 10.1 (FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p9) and set up a jail with ezjail (ezjail-admin v3.3).

Inside the jail I created a new user:

Login: test
Password: *
Uid [#]: 1001
Gid [# or name]: 1001
Change [month day year]:
Expire [month day year]:
Home directory: /home/test
Shell: /bin/sh

Yet, as soon I try to log in I have this error:

root@myjail:~ # su -l test
su: /bin/sh: Permission denied

It’s the first time I see this behavior. I searched for similar issues but I didn’t found nothing similar. And I have no ideas on how to fix this.

Some hints?

Thanks a lot.


The issue is at the root filesystem: bin, sbin, lib and others basic folders are not readable by normal users. I had to fix them manually.

Full details here:

Source : Link , Question Author : Nicholas Fiorentini , Answer Author : Nicholas Fiorentini

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