Flash On Firefox

Since Adobe recently dropped support for Firefox on Linux, I can’t get flash player to work properly on Adobe Connect in Ubuntu. YouTube videos work fine, I only have problems with Adobe Connect.

I am using Ubuntu 12.10 and Firefox 18.0.1 and Flash

Is there a PPA or another lead I could use to get the latest (or more current) version of Flash Player for Ubuntu?


  1. Open http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/
  2. Choose tar.gz, download the file
  3. Once download is complete, right click on the file (tar.gz) and click on “Extract here”
  4. Launch Terminal (Keyboard Shortcut : CtrlAltT)
  5. Go to that location where you extracted the file
  6. Run this command : sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins
  7. Run this command : sudo cp -r usr/* /usr/
  8. Launch Mozilla Firefox and check that you have Adobe Flash Player

Source : Link , Question Author : colboynik , Answer Author : Amanda

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