Flash Media Server with Apache already installed

i have apache already installed and I want to know the right way to install FMS on windows and be able to run the FMS. I have installed FMS but I cannot start it! When I go to windows>programs>adobe>FMS>start fms it does not start the service (I dont see the icon on the bottom right of my screen next to the apache server icon)

how can I connect to admin console. I have port 1935 open but still when I type mysite.com:1935 it does not show anything.

any suggestions is appreciated


The administration console are local html and swf files, found here; C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4.5\tools\fms_adminConsole.htm

The admin console connect over port 1111 by default, not 1935.

Source : Link , Question Author : Khalid , Answer Author : Justin Hourigan

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