Fatal Error: ilInitialisation::initClientIniFile called without CLIENT_ID

I am installing Ilias 4.1.4 is the lastest stable version on a Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit server with all the dependencies satisfied. http://www.ilias.de/docu/
Download ilias-4.1.4.zip and install Now just when all the steps are done I log out since now the installation has finished immediately upon logging out I am at following URL (the installation has just finished) and I get following error

Fatal Error: ilInitialisation::initClientIniFile called without CLIENT_ID.

I start searching net for above error and do not get any useful information.After some time I press back button and accidentally reached

and see some sort of screen that asks for a client ID.

how can I get rid of this error
Fatal Error: ilInitialisation::initClientIniFile called without CLIENT_ID.
Let me know if some one here can help me to get rid of this error.


I believe that “CLIENT ID” refers to a database client.

On the setup screen (http://localhost/ilias/setup/setup.php) login using your root ILIAS password. Then select “List of Clients” on the left side. Then select “Create new Client…” and create a new database client for the ILIAS LMS.

Source : Link , Question Author : Registered User , Answer Author : Ben Pilbrow

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