Expose Windows system health over HTTP, machine-readable? [closed]

Are there any off-the-shelf tools that will expose the basic health of a Windows machine (network accessibility, system load, etc.) over HTTP in a machine-readable form that I can access from another host?


If by “off the shelf” you mean “native to the OS”, then no*.

The common native methods of gathering Windows performance statistics are Perfmon (TCP 445), WMI (TCP 445) , or SNMP (UDP 161/162).

Are you interested in just using HTTP for the data connection, or actually desiring to run a human-readable webserver on each target Windows machine showing a health dashboard? If you’re running HP or Dell servers, that’s actually already included in the vendor-provided systems agents, although it’s mostly focused on hardware stats, so not really appropriate for VM guests.

  • I suppose you could count using WinRM over HTTP(S) and gathering perfmon stats directly…

Source : Link , Question Author : spiffytech , Answer Author : mfinni

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